《国外采矿技术快报》现已正式创刊发行,特致衷心的祝贺! 我是赞成发行各种专业刊物的。采矿是个特大的重要的行业,重工业是基础工业,它更是基础工业的基础,处理量之大,技术性之强,人员之多都是出类拔萃的,为了促进矿业的发展,应该有各种刊物报导国内外的科学技术成就。现代技术发展异常迅速,日新月异,一步赶不上,步步赶不上,我们从事科学技术的同志都应该有这个紧迫感。早先我们注意不够,刊物上选登的往往是几月之前,甚致几年之前已经公布的技术,缺乏新颖性,令人有明日黄花之感。当然作为资料,还是有必要的。但是从时间上讲就显得不足了。“快报”顾名思义,要报导世界上最新的技术成就,以最快的速度展现在读者面前,就可以弥补这个不足了。
“Foreign Mining Technology Letters” is now officially launched the issue, a special heartfelt congratulations! I agree with the issue of a variety of professional publications. Mining is a big and important industry. Heavy industry is the basic industry. It is the foundation of basic industry. It has a large amount of handling capacity, strong technical skills and a high level of personnel. All these publications should be published in order to promote the development of the mining industry Scientific and technological achievements at home and abroad. The rapid development of modern technology, with each passing day, one step can not keep up, keep pace can not keep up, we are engaged in science and technology comrades should have this sense of urgency. Earlier we paid no attention to the fact that the publication of a newspaper often came out a few months ago and the technology that has been released a few years ago lacks novelty and gives us a sense of tomorrow. Of course, as a data, it is still necessary. But in terms of time it seems inadequate. “Letters ” As its name suggests, to cover the world’s latest technological achievements, the fastest speed in front of readers, you can make up for this shortcoming.