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抢抓机遇奋力赶超谋求县域经济跨越式发展中共乐陵市委书记胡宗智工业立市:寻求县域经济发展的突破点乐陵是传统的农业大市,是国家定点商品粮生产基地、红枣出口基地、山羊板皮加工出口基地、瘦肉型猪良种繁育基地。乐陵地处鲁西北,位居全国东西和南北的结合部,发展工业具有非常优越的条件和巨大的潜力。为此,我们牢固树立“全党抓经济、重点抓工业、关键抓投入”的指导思想,加快推进工业化进程,尽快形成工业主导型的经济增长格局。一是抓项目。抓工业就是抓投入,抓工业就是抓项目。我们按照“竣工投产一批、开工建设一批、精心储备一批”的要求,坚持各种成分一起上、大中小项目一起上、高精尖短平快项目一起上,千方百计提高工业对整个国民经济的拉动作用。今年1-10月份全市限额以上工业实现销售收入31.1亿元、利税4.1亿元,分别同比增长37.8%、39.8%;固定资产投资23.4亿元,同比增长167%;全市新上过亿元的项目20个,仅今年新增限额以上企业20家,工 Seize the opportunity struggling to catch up with the counties to seek leapfrog economic development Leading the CPC Luling Municipal Party Committee Hu Zongzhi Industrial City: Seeking a breakthrough in county economic development Leling is a traditional agricultural market, is the national designated commodity grain production base, dates export base, goats Slab processing export base, lean pig breeding base breeding base. Leling is located in the northwest of Lushan, which is located in the combination of east, west and north of the country. It has very superior conditions and great potential for developing industry. To this end, we firmly establish the guiding ideology of “focusing on the entire party, focusing on industry and focusing on input”, accelerating the process of industrialization and forming an industrial-led pattern of economic growth as soon as possible. First, grasp the project. Grasping the industry is to focus investment, grasping industry is to grasp the project. In accordance with the requirements of “one batch completed and put into operation, one batch of construction started and one batch carefully reserved,” we adhered to the principle of combining various components with small and medium-sized projects, Economic stimulating effect. From January to October this year, the sales revenue of above designated size industry in the city was 3.11 billion yuan, with profit and tax of 410 million yuan, up 37.8% and 39.8% respectively over the same period of previous year; the fixed asset investment was 2.34 billion yuan, up 167% over the same period of last year; 20, only the new 20 enterprises above designated size this year, workers
吴维一毕业于某师范大学,1998年前后下海,虽然生意场上屡遭失败,但是他没有丧失信心和斗志,而是留心各种项目信息,寻找新机会。 Wu Weiyi graduated from a normal universi
5台速霸 SM52四色,1台速霸 SM52双色,4台印霸 GT052单色,4台速霸 SM74四色,2台速霸 SM74双色,普胜74照排机,探戈滚筒式扫描机,顶胜 CTP,多种型号的波拉刀……十余台海德堡机
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一个普通的个体老板,开办了一个小酒厂。谁能料到,却能傍上德国大厂商!两个身份、地位、财富有天上地下之别的老板,咋能联手创业呢? An ordinary individual owner, started
一年一度的德国慕尼黑品牌电子展electronicChina,2002年首度举办, 凭借着来自17个国际和地区的285家参展商,12000平方米的展示面积, 极高的国际参与性(国际展商占70%)和多达15218
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