一九七九年六月十九日十二时十五分我省介休发生Ms5.1级地震,震中区烈度七度弱,六度破坏区波及介休大部分和灵石、孝义、汾阳、平遥诸县部分地区。这次地震造成人员伤亡,使建筑物遭到不同程度的破坏。地处震中区的介休城关、西靳屯、宋(月古)三公社和介休县城附近厂矿企事业单位受灾较重。 地震发生后,省、地、县党政军领导部门十分关心灾区人民,连夜赶到震中区与介休县委研究部署抗震救灾工作,由省革委副主任张建民同志带领的慰问团亲切慰问震区广大干部群众,大大鼓舞了震区人民奋发图强,战胜震害的决心。由于抗震救灾工作认真及时,震区社会秩序安定,工农业生产迅速恢复,大大地减轻了次生
At 11:15 on June 19, 1979, a Ms5.1 earthquake broke out in Jiexiu in our province. The quake-hit area was seven degrees weak and the sixth-degree destruction area affected most of Jiexiu and Lingshi, Xiaoyi, Fenyang, Pingyao counties in some areas. The earthquake caused casualties and damaged buildings to varying degrees. Located in the epicenter of the Jiexiu Chengguan, West Jintao, Song (month old) commune and Jiexiu county factories and mines near the heavy damage. After the earthquake, provincial, prefectural and county party and government leading departments are very concerned about the people in disaster areas, rushed to the epicenter of the night and the Juxian County Committee to study the deployment of earthquake relief work, led by the Deputy Director of the Provincial Committee of Revolutionary Comrades Zhang Jianmin cordial condolences to the quake zone The vast majority of cadres and the masses greatly encouraged the earthquake area people’s determination and victory over earthquake damage. Due to the serious and timely earthquake relief work, the stable social order in the quake zone and the rapid recovery of industrial and agricultural production, the secondary education has been greatly reduced