人们通常都喜欢生活优裕,但生活优裕是否一定就能健康长寿呢? 有这么一个传说:在100多年前,英国国王知悉其臣民中有一位活过130岁仍然精神矍铄者,于是他便把这位寿星佬召进皇宫,一是为了学习和借鉴他的长寿秘方,二也有借机表彰奖励之意。没有想到,国王见到寿星佬后了解到的情况竟是:他一不吃山珍海味,二无绫罗绸缎、豪华住宅的享受,惟有生活规律、饮食清淡、清心寡欲、与世无争而已。
People usually like to have a good life, but whether they will surely live a long and healthy life. There is such a legend that over 100 years ago, the king of the United Kingdom knew that one of his subjects was still mentally incapacitated at 130, Bit life star called supreme palace, one is to learn and learn from his longevity secret, two also took the opportunity to recognize the meaning of reward. Unexpectedly, the king saw the situation after Shou Gang was actually: he did not eat delicacies, two non-Ling silk satin, luxury residential enjoyment, but the laws of life, light diet, desperation, and the world only.