苏联文学家高尔基曾经说过:“爱孩子,这是母鸡也会的事。”天下做父母的,谁不疼爱自己的孩子?但我队为有两种截然不同的爱法。 一种是溺爱,这种“爱”往往有两个极端。要么对孩子放任自流、百依百顺,不论什么事情都尽量满足孩子的要求,恨不得孩子要月亮就不敢摘星星给他;要么对孩子有理三扁担,无理扁担三,对孩子的行为从不作具体分析,只是一味的严历指责甚至打骂,导致孩子不敢和父母谈真实话。长此以往,孩子将无法管教。这种“爱”完全失去了理智,很不可取,它最终只能害了孩子而使家长后悔莫及。
Gorky, the Soviet writer once said: “Love children, this is a hen will do.” Parents, who do not love their children? But my team has two very different love law. One is spoiled, this “love” often has two extremes. Either the child laissez-faire, be obedient, no matter what things are as far as possible to meet the requirements of children, wait for the child to the moon would not dare to pick stars; either justify their children three pole, unreasonable pole three, the behavior of children never Specific analysis, just blindly accused and even slapped scold, leading children to talk to their parents not to be honest. In the long run, children will not be able to discipline. This kind of “love” has completely lost its reason and is not desirable. In the end, it can only harm children and make parents regretful.