新疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州 (简称博州 )位于新疆西北部、准噶尔盆地西端 ,处于东经 79°5 3′~ 83°5 4′ ,北纬 4 4°0 2′~ 4 5°2 3′之间 ,水土资源丰富、土壤类型多样 ,为药材的生长提供了良好的条件。1 主要药材的种源、分布与现状1.1 枸杞 蒙名 :朝您—哈日莫格为茄?
Xinjiang Bortala Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture (abbreviated as Bozhou) is located in the northwest of Xinjiang and the western end of the Junggar Basin. It is located between longitudes 79°5 3′-83°5 4′ east longitude and 4 4° 0 2′- 4 5° 2 3′ north latitude. Between the rich soil and water resources, various soil types provide good conditions for the growth of medicinal herbs. 1 Provenance, distribution and status of the main medicinal materials 1.1 枸杞 蒙 蒙 蒙 : : 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 您 您 您 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈?