学生喜欢听故事。抓住这一心理特征,在语文教学中适时地运用故事,不仅可以增强趣味性和生动性,而且能使教师在娓娓动听的讲述中突破教学难点,顺利达到教学目的,使学生在浓厚的兴趣下获得了美感享受,得到有益的启示,本文拟从以下四个方面作一探讨。 一、攻疑克难 教学难点给学生造成理解上的困难,是实现教学目的的障碍。有时,教师的讲解尽管颇费口舌,仍难以使学生明白或信服。如能根据具体情况恰当地运用故事,便会收到极好的效果。初中和中师课本所选的元代著名散曲家马致远的小令《天净沙·秋思》中,有“断肠人在天涯”一句,“断肠”一词《现代汉语词典》释为“形容悲痛,忧伤到极点。”学生理解没有
Students like to listen to stories. Grasping this psychological characteristic and applying stories in Chinese teaching in a timely manner can not only enhance interestingness and vividness, but also make it possible for teachers to break through the difficult teaching points and achieve the purpose of teaching. The aesthetic enjoyment was obtained under interest, and beneficial inspiration was obtained. This article is intended to be discussed in the following four aspects. First, it is difficult to understand and solve problems Difficulties in teaching students to create difficulties in understanding, is to achieve the purpose of teaching obstacles. Sometimes, even though the teacher’s explanation is quite exhausting, it is still difficult for students to understand or convince. If you can properly use the story according to the specific situation, you will receive excellent results. In the Xiaoling “Tian Jing Sha Qiu Si”, a famous Sanqu player of the Yuan Dynasty selected by the textbooks of junior high school and middle school teachers, there is a sentence of “heartbroken people in Tianya”, and the word “broken hearty intestines” is translated into “description of grief.” , Sad to the extreme." Students understand no