Patient Liu, female, 54 years old. Patients drink more, more urine, weight loss for three months. He was admitted to hospital on April 6, 1994. The patient presented with multiple drinks before 3 months. The amount of drinking water was more than 5000 ml in 24 hours, polyuria, and more than 4000 ml in 24 hours. Appetite and normal food intake, no chest tightness, chest pain, cough and other symptoms. He has been suffering from chronic hepatitis for many years without history of tuberculosis. Physical examination: body temperature: 36.5°C, pulse: 88 breaths/minute, respiration: 16 breaths/minute, blood pressure: 16/10 kpa. The body skin and mucous membranes are yellow-stained, and several hard bones can be touched under the clavicle. The lymph nodes with poor activity have clear breathing sounds in both lungs. The dry and wet rales are not heard, the heart sounds are pure, the rhythm is whole, the abdomen is soft, and the liver is assisted by 3.0 cm. , soft quality. Sharp edges, no pain. Negative ascites sign,