问:什么叫结核菌素试验?它有什么意义?答:结核菌素是由结核菌的培养液制成的一种试剂,用来测定人体是否有结核菌感染以及测定卡介苗接种的免疫效果。这种测定过程就称为结核菌素试验。如结核菌素试验“阳性”者一般表示人体内受过结核菌的感染,或已成功地接种过卡介苗,而免疫力尚未消失。有这种现象就不再接种卡介苗;结素试验“强阳性”者往往表示机体内可能有活动性结核病灶存在,应详细检查其结核病变部位,并作 X 线检查,争取及早治疗。因此,
Q: What is the tuberculin test? What is the point? A: Tuberculin is a reagent made of mycobacterium tuberculosis broth to determine whether there is a TB infection in the human body and to determine the immune effect of BCG vaccination. This measurement is called the tuberculin test. Such as tuberculin test “positive” who generally said that the body has been infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or BCG has been vaccinated successfully, and immunity has not disappeared. There is no longer vaccinated BCG vaccination; knot test “strong positive” who often said there may be active tuberculosis in the body there should be detailed examination of its tuberculosis lesions and X-ray examination for early treatment. therefore,