The quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination design was used to study the quantitative relationship between grain yield and density, sowing date, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer in drought-resistant maize. The density, sowing date and fertilizer response model of yield formation were established. The main effect of factors on yield and the interaction effect, find out the best level of agricultural production under agronomic measures. The comprehensive agronomic measures for high-yielding drought-tolerant maize cultivated in this experiment are as follows: the density is from 6 to 90,000 plants / hm2, sowing from March 15 to March 30, 450 to 675 kg of urea per hectare and 675 phosphorus fertilizer (superphosphate). 0 ~ 1012.5kg, potassium fertilizer (potassium chloride) 112.5 ~ 225.0kg.