Y2系列三相异步电动机(机座号63—355 IP54)技术任务书审查会议于1993年3月24~25日在上海召开,参加会议的有机电部一装司等16个单位的代表共21人。会上,上海电器科学研究所汇报了技术任务书的编制过程和主要内容。技术任务书充分总结和吸收了 Y 系列小型三相异步电动机设计工作中的经验,既瞄准了国际先进
The Y2 series three-phase asynchronous motor (frame size 63-355 IP54) technical mission review meeting was held in Shanghai from March 24 to March 25, 1993. A total of 16 representatives of the organic electricity department and other departments participated in the conference were 21 people. At the meeting, the Shanghai Institute of Electrical Science and Technology reported the preparation process and main contents of the technical mission statement. The technical mission statement fully sums up and absorbs the experience in the design work of the Y series miniature three-phase asynchronous motors, aiming at the international advanced