In October 2013, the TV series “I am a Fire of the Special Forces” made its debut, which aroused the enthusiastic comments from the audience and the hot network. It became the winner of the drama series in the same period and the network hit rate topped the list. This work became the largest dark horse in the TV drama market in the second half of the year, arousing the concern of all parties. November 10, by the China Television Arts Commission, Propaganda Department of the Nanjing Military Region Political Department, Jiangsu Radio and Television Station (Group) sponsored by Happy Blue Sea Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Military Region Political Department Frontline Art Troupe hosted the TV series “I am Special firefighters Phoenix ”expert seminar, the field of television art and academic media leading experts on “ I am a special forces ”phenomenon " made a thorough discussion. Seminar by the State Administration of Press and Publication Administration Deputy Director of Publications