An Analysis of Hong Kong Commercial Culture under the Influence of Mainland Visitors

来源 :当代港澳研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zou_zm
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The colonial history of Hong Kong created her own special culture,this kind of special culture can be found in many areas,including language,education,politics,justice and commercial sector. From the time when the economic opening of mainland China in 1978,the interaction and cooperation between mainland and Hong Kong have became closer and closer in the past few decades.And since handover in 1997,the change of migration policies of both governments(mainland and Hong Kong) leaded the growing number of mainland visitors to Hong Kong.Hong Kong commercial culture is therefore changed by the mainland visitors.In commercial sector,they also used to adjust their culture in order to adopt the needs of mainland visitors. This research is aimed to investigate the contemporary(visible) commercial culture of Hong Kong retail sale and catering sectors.Seeing whether their commercial culture has been adjusted to be an appropriate level in order to serve mainland visitors or not.Quantitative site-visiting and participated observation were used as research method.Test experiment would be done in tourist-concentrated areas and control experiment would be done in non-tourist-concentrated areas.Field research and several measuring indicators would be used to assess the commercial culture of those retail sale shops and restaurants.The function of control experiment,which would be done in non-tourist-concentrated areas,is aimed to compare and analyze the different commercial culture between tourist-concentrated and non-tourist-concentrated areas. Based on our data analysis,readers can know much about the contemporary commercial cultural change in Hong kong.Insufficient parts were noted and suggestions would be recommended to related official departments and Hong Kong commercial areas. In the time of the economic opening of mainland China in 1978, the Interaction and cooperation between mainland and Hong Kong have formed and closer in the past few decades. And since handover in 1997, the change of migration policies of both governments (mainland and Hong Kong) leaded the growing number of visitors visitors to Hong Kong. Hong Kong commercial culture is therefore changed by the mainland visitors.In commercial sector, they also used to adjust their culture in order to adopt the needs of the imported visitors. This research is aimed to investigate the contemporary (visible) commercial culture of Hong Kong retail. Sale and catering sectors.Seeing469 their commercial culture has been adjusted to be appropriate level in order to serve mainland visitors or not.Quantitative site-vi Siting and involved observation were used as research method.Test experiment would be done in tourist-concentrated areas and control experiment would be done in non-tourist-concentrated areas.Field research and several measuring indicators would be used to assess the commercial culture of those Retail sale shops and restaurants.The function of control experiment, which would be done in non-tourist-concentrated areas,is aimed to compare and analyze the different commercial culture between tourist-concentrated and non-tourist-concentrated areas.based on our data Analysis, readers can much less the contemporary commercial cultural change in Hong kong.Insufficient parts were noted and suggestions would be recommended to related official departments and Hong Kong commercial areas.
“5条鱼10元,至少赚7元;两小盆水草30元,赚20多元;两袋鱼粮5元,赚3块多;两米的水管8元,赚4元。”这是天津一家水族店的店主小李透露的一笔账单。一共53元的交易,利润就达到30多元。   张姐在天津市区经营着一个只有3平方米的水草小店,一个月的电费就要1000多元,每月盈利万元以上。业内有一个基本规律,经营还算不错的水族店,平均来说,每月的盈利一般是电费的15倍左右。   其实这只是水
dear一词在教材中频繁出现,其主要用法可归纳为以下几点:作形容词。意思是“可爱的;亲爱的;贵的”。例如:a dear friend亲爱的朋友What a dear little boy!多可爱的小男孩!a
【摘要】中国的广告教育已经历经了三十年的快速发展,已经逐渐具备规模化和专业化的特征,同时出现广告伦理失衡的现象,反思当代广告教育,本文对广告教育中的道德伦理观如何深度置入进行解读和思考,从丰富课程设置、改变考核制度、提高社会环境教育等多角度提出了建议。  【关键词】广告伦理 课程改革 人文精神 广告教育社会化  【中图分类号】G64【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)11-0
现在完成式是由助动词“have/has+过去分词”构成。其中,主语为第一人称或复数名词/代词时,用“have+过去分词”;主语为单数的名词或代词时,用“has+过去分词”。He has alwa
从3名刚毕业的大学生和一套两室一厅的租房到已有20多名员工和面积达600平米的办公区,5年时间,董松岩开办的公司抓准了广告商机,为企业拍起了宣传片,年业务收入近300万元。在天堂映画文化艺术公司的办公楼内,一块黑板上写着刚刚完成或正在筹备的宣传片:“中建总承包汇报片”、“招行服务部专题片”、“金地产业MV”等等,密密麻麻。  企业宣传片行业兴起时间并不长,企业宣传片是对企业内部的各个层面有重点、有
编者按:  时下,健康成为了人们关注的重点。各种健康家电也如雨后春笋般大量涌现,净水机、空气净化器、按摩椅、足疗盆等开始走进人们的家庭。不少人看到了健康消费带来的无限商机,开始做健康家电的代理。  山西人王先生,就看准这个机会,由原来代理的冰箱、洗衣机业务,转行做净水机项目。投资20万,在县城开了个沁园专卖店,短短两三年的时间,就做到了千万的规模,员工也从最初的三五人,变成了现在三十余人。那么,这