发财树真正的中文学名为马拉巴栗 ,是木棉科中的一种常绿乔木 ,其自然分布地界极窄 ,仅生存于热带雨林地区 ,树体高大 ,根茎处膨大如瓶状 ,树形奇特 ,叶片掌状 ,四季常青 ,观赏价值极高。近年来 ,在南方花卉基地 ,花工们又将发财树幼树株一组 ,用编“辫子”的方式将其组编在一?
Pachira real Chinese name is Maraba chestnut, is an evergreen tree in the Division, its natural distribution of very narrow boundary, only survive in the tropical rain forest region, the tall tree roots at the swollen, such as bottle-shaped, tree Peculiar, palmate leaf, evergreen, ornamental value is extremely high. In recent years, in the southern flower base, flower workers in turn a group of young tree plants fortune tree, with a series of “braid” way to their group in one?