1988年2月12日在新德里举行的颁奖仪式上,将1987年卡琳加奖授予委内瑞拉的M.罗奇(Marcel Roche)博士,以表彰其对科学普及工作的贡献。这项奖于1951年由联合国教科文组织设立,是一项按年度的国际奖,奖金1000英镑,系由卡琳加基金托管会主席和创始人、印度奥里萨邦的B.帕特内克(B.Partnaik)先生捐赠。罗奇博士现任委内瑞拉驻联合国教科文组织官员,有长期卓越的科学经历。他曾就读于法国和美国,先是从事医学研究,后来从事管理。在他的生涯中,倾注了对科学普及的极大
At the awarding ceremony held in New Delhi on February 12, 1988, the 1987 Carlin Award was awarded to Dr. Marcel Roche of Venezuela for his contribution to the popularization of science. This award was established by UNESCO in 1951 and is an annual international prize of £ 1,000, sponsored by Carlinger Fund Trustees chair and founder, B. Patten of Orissa, India Mr. B.Partnaik donated. Dr. Roach currently serves as a Venezuelan official in UNESCO and has a long and distinguished scientific experience. He studied in France and the United States, first in medical research, and later in management. In his career, devoted great popularity of science