
来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shunniu
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对2006年版新《体操二、三级运动员技术等级标准》(以下简称新大纲)制定过程进行了回顾与梳理,并从不同的角度对新《大纲》在推广中面临的问题进行了分析。指出:新《大纲》动作比较适合在中学生中开展,但要使体操在学校中长期而健康的发展下去就必须建立起可持续发展的观念。文中还指出体操专业教师少,体育教师沉重的心理负担使体操在学校中开展受限;满足不同年龄阶段学生需求的阶梯式大纲体系及教委和体育局联合举办体操比赛的模式还未形成,是新《大纲》推广中面临的主要问题。本文针对上述问题提出了应对策略,旨在为我国各省市全面推广新《大纲》提供理论参考。 The review of the process of formulating the new version of Gymnastics Class Two and Three Athletes in the 2006 edition (hereinafter referred to as the “New Outline”) is reviewed and analyzed. Problems facing the promotion of the “Outline” in different perspectives are also analyzed. It is pointed out that the new Outline Program is suitable for middle school students. However, in order to make gymnastics develop in a long-term and healthy manner in schools, it is necessary to establish the concept of sustainable development. The article also pointed out that fewer teachers gymnastics gymnastics, physical teachers heavy psychological burden to gymnastic restrictions in schools; to meet the needs of different age stages of the ladder outline system and the Board of Education and Sports Bureau jointly organized gymnastics competition mode has not yet formed The new “outline” to promote the main problems. This article puts forward the countermeasures for the above problems, aiming at providing theoretical reference for all provinces and municipalities to comprehensively promote the new “Outline”.
【正】 同志们:今天我们召开会议的主要目的,是检查各单位落实3月1日全市环境保护暨创模动员大会的情况,交流有关单位创模的工作经验,分析目前创模工作存在的问题,并对下一步
各区、县级市人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属机构:现将《广州市经营性公路建设项目法人招标投标管理办法》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 All districts, county-level city