目的了解陕西省蔬菜中氨基甲酸酯类和拟除虫菊酯类农药的残留情况。方法 2012-2015年检测全省10个城市采集的蔬菜,采用GC-MS法对10类蔬菜中18种氨基甲酸酯类和拟除虫菊酯农药残留进行测定。结果共采集1 493份蔬菜样品,氨基甲酸酯类农药残留检出率为6.50%,拟除虫菊酯类检出率为10.85%,2类农药的超标率均为0.40%。超标蔬菜主要有鲜豆类、叶菜类、茄果类和鳞茎类。结果陕西省蔬菜中农药超标率低,但检出超标高毒农药克百威和氯氰菊酯。
Objective To understand the residues of carbamates and pyrethroid pesticides in vegetables in Shaanxi Province. Methods The vegetables collected from 10 cities in the province from 2012 to 2015 were collected and the residues of carbamates and pyrethroid pesticides in 10 kinds of vegetables were determined by GC-MS. Results A total of 1 493 vegetable samples were collected. The detection rate of carbamate pesticides was 6.50%, the detection rate of pyrethroids was 10.85%, and that of the two pesticides was 0.40%. Exceeded vegetables are fresh beans, leafy vegetables, solanaceous and bulbous. Results In Shaanxi Province, the rate of pesticide exceeded the standard in vegetables was low, but carbofuran and cypermethrin, which exceeded the standard of highly toxic pesticides, were detected.