New Breakthrough Required for China’s Public Health System Reform

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yfg1243
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文章在对中国公共卫生发展状况进行回顾分析的基础上,探索了今后的发展方向。作者认为,经济体制改革之后,中国的公共卫生面临着新的经济社会条件,也面临着诸多新的挑战。最突出的问题是在体制上不能适应新的变化,因此需要加快体制改革。在具体对策方面,则需要加强部门之间的联系,加强社区卫生服务,加强政府与社会组织以及独立的非营利组织之间的联系,以期形成新的公共卫生治理格局。 Based on the retrospective analysis of the development of public health in China, the article explores the direction of future development. The author believes that after the reform of the economic system, China’s public health is facing new economic and social conditions, and it is also facing many new challenges. The most prominent problem is that it cannot adapt to the new changes in the system, so it is necessary to accelerate the reform of the system. In terms of specific countermeasures, it is necessary to strengthen the links between departments, strengthen community health services, and strengthen the links between the government and social organizations and independent non-profit organizations in order to form a new public health governance structure.
慎独是一种情操,一种修养,一种自律,一种坦荡。内不欺己,外不欺人,上不欺天方可达到慎独的境界。只有慎独,才能成为真君子。  史料记载,某宰相供公职,夜间在家处理公务,点朝廷供应的蜡烛。夜深了,公务理毕,转入私人读书时间,则吹灭朝廷供的蜡烛,转而点用私家蜡烛。家人曰:夜深人息,何必如此,又没人看见。此公曰:君子修身,贵在慎独!  《五元灯会》上也有这样一则故事:由于战乱,普陀寺的众禅者决定迁移庙址。