键盘与鼠标结合的操作方式,能满足一般的移动办公需求,但是在一些场合却不得不让位于传统手写,例如对演讲内容指点及圈画、快速直观绘制一些即时构思的架构图、对着成排的仪表边看边摘抄、或者向客户展示介绍一些内容等。所以,高级商务人员很可能需要一台既能通过鼠标、键盘操作,也能通过手写笔操作的笔记本。ASUS R1E就是为满足此类需求,而专门推出的一款基于迅驰4平台的Table PC。
The combination of keyboard and mouse mode of operation to meet the needs of the general mobile office, but in some occasions have to give way in the traditional handwriting, such as pointing and lashing of the speech content, rapid and intuitive drawing some real-time conceptual architecture diagram, facing Pairs of instruments to watch while excerpts, or to show customers introduce some of the content. Therefore, senior businesspeople are likely to need a laptop that can operate both with a mouse and a keyboard, as well as with a stylus. ASUS R1E is to meet such needs, and specifically launched a Centrino 4 platform Table PC.