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策划人语合肥本是一座并不起眼的省会城市,然而却承载了太多的期望与沉重。这种期望与沉重主要源自于合肥至今仍未能真正担当起安徽区域发展“龙头老大”的角色。记得1990年,时任合肥市市长钟咏三在接受媒体记者采访时,曾感慨地说:“最近我去美国考察,美国那么多人知道黄山,却不知道合肥在什么地方,这使我很尴尬,也很受刺激。”深受尴尬和刺激的岂止一位市长,这些年来,皖人无不有所同感。也就是从那时起,“再造一个新合肥”的规划便在这位市长的心中酝酿开来。于是有了合肥南面新区的热闹与崛起。然而,历史在不经意间又一次把合肥逼到了一种尴尬的境地。现如今,纵向比,合肥尚有谈资的本钱,可横向一比,合肥无论如何也乐观不起来。就辐射力和经济实力来说,在全国省会城市中,合肥的城市首位度最低,位置靠后的经济总量及人均GDP根本无法与人家“论剑”。更让合肥不安的是,现时的中国正在进入一个城市大洗牌的时代,区际间的龙腾虎跃以及周边省会城市“跑马圈地”的挤压,不仅使合肥的腹地和市场在不断地萎缩,也几乎使合肥沦为一座边缘性的“孤岛”城市。此外,就省内的城市来说,合肥迄今也难以领袖群伦。近几年来皖江“龙头老大”芜湖剑锋闪烁,大有逼近合肥之势,这使得合肥平添了几份未来谁坐安徽经济“第一把? Planner language Hefei Ben is a humble provincial capital city, but it carries too much expectations and heavy. This expectation and heavy losses mainly stem from the fact that Hefei still can not really assume the role of the “leading boss” in regional development in Anhui. I remember when I was interviewed by a media reporter in 1990, when I was an mayor of Hefei, Zhong Yong said: “Recently I went to visit the United States. As many people in the United States know Huangshan, but I do not know where Hefei is. This makes me very embarrassed. , But also very stimulating. ”Awkward and exciting more than a mayor, all these years, Anhui people are all feeling the same. That is, since then, the plan of “rebuilding a new Hefei” has been brewing in the hearts of the mayor. So with Hefei New Area south of the lively and rise. However, history inadvertently forced Hefei an embarrassing situation again. Now, the vertical ratio, Hefei still talk about the cost of capital, can be a horizontal, Hefei, optimistic at any rate not up. In terms of radiation power and economic strength, among the capital cities in the country, Hefei has the lowest degree of urban first place and the post-backward economy and per capita GDP can not “talk about sword” with others. Hefei even more disturbing is that China is now entering an era of major city reshuffle, the Dragon Boat Festival and the surrounding provincial capital “staking” squeeze, not only hinders Hefei and the market is constantly shrinking, Hefei almost become a marginal “island” city. In addition, as far as the cities in the province are concerned, Hefei has so far not been able to lead a group of people. In recent years, Wanjiang “leading boss” Wuhu Janus flashing, approaching the trend of Hefei, which makes Hefei added a few who will take the future Anhui economy, "the first?
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