利用热力适应理论讨论了印度洋海温异常影响中国天气和西太平洋副热带高压异常的物理机制。结果表明 :通过第一级热力适应 ,印度洋上的海温异常形成低层气旋式环流 ,并在其东侧的偏南气流中产生对流性降水 ;然后通过第二级热力适应 ,在 50 0 h Pa上导致西太平洋副热带高压加强西伸、2 0 0 h Pa上南亚高压异常增强。从而证明两级热力适应是导致印度洋海温异常影响中国天气气候异常的重要物理机制。
The physical mechanism of the Indian Ocean SST anomalies affecting the weather in China and the anomalies of the western Pacific subtropical high is discussed using the theory of thermodynamic adaptation. The results show that through the first-order thermodynamic adaptation, the anomalous SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean form a low-level cyclonic circulation and produce convective precipitation in the southerly airstream on the east side of the Indian Ocean. After the second-stage thermodynamic adaptation, Resulting in the west Pacific subtropical high strengthening westward extension, anomalous enhancement of the South Asian high on the 200h Pa. Which proves that the two levels of thermal adaptation are the important physical mechanisms that lead to the anomalous Indian Ocean temperature anomalies affecting the weather and climate in China.