UDMH和MAPO均可做为火箭燃料。美国国家职业保健研究所(NIOSH)曾将这两个化合物列入可疑致癌物质。国际肿瘤研究委员会(IARC)则认为:UDMH经小鼠长期口服可致癌;据少数报告MAPO经大鼠长期口服可诱发白血病,但数据尚不够充分。总的说来,对这两个化合物致癌作用的研究报告不多,国内仅见一篇对UDMH的研究报告。本文报道了给小鼠口服这两种化合物8 —12个月,用病理形态学方法观察它们的致癌作用。材料和方法采用断乳后50天的LACA种小鼠700只,分为7组,每组100只,雌雄各半,每天饮水中分别新鲜配入被试化合物。UDMH的3
UDMH and MAPO can be used as rocket fuel. The National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOSH) has listed both compounds as suspected carcinogens. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), long-term oral administration of UDMH can cause cancer. According to a small number of reports, MAPO can induce leukemia through long-term oral administration in rats, but the data are not sufficient. In summary, there are few reports on the carcinogenicity of these two compounds. Only one study on UDMH was reported in China. This article reports that the two compounds were orally administered to mice for 8 to 12 months and their oncogenic effects were observed by histopathology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 700 LACA mice, 50 days after weaning, were divided into 7 groups of 100 mice each with half male and female. Each day, drinking water was dosed with test compound. UDMH 3