在河南省濮阳力诺玻璃制造有限公司,2000余名员工全部来自山东沂蒙革命老区。可贵的是,他们把老区人民那种拥军支前、关心国防的好传统一同带到这里,成为企业竞争发展的动力源之一。 漫步在“力诺”宽阔、整洁的厂区,就像走进军营一样。在这里,你能强烈地感受到“力诺人”那深深的国防情结。整齐划一的厂区道路两旁,到处是印有军队英模人物画像和诸如“兵民是胜利之本”、“加强国防建设是每个公民应尽的义务”等标语的灯箱;员工活动中心设置了国防教育长
Puyang in Henan Province Connaught Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd., more than 2,000 employees from Shandong Yimeng revolutionary old district. What is valuable is that they brought here the good tradition of supporting people’s armed forces in the old areas and cherishing their national defense and becoming one of the driving forces for the development of the enterprise’s competition. Stroll through the spacious, clean factory of “Connaught”, just as if entering a barracks. Here, you can feel strongly that “Linuo people” that deep national defense complex. The factories and towns along the roads are neatly lined with portraits full of portraits of the military elite and portraits such as “soldiers and soldiers are the basis of victory” and “strengthening national defense construction is an obligation that every citizen should fulfill.” Staff activity centers are equipped with national defense Education Director