野生蔬菜在食用、药用等方面有着较为广阔的利用前景,对野生蔬菜分布特征进行调查可以更好地对其进行利用。浙江临安西天目山地区优越的地理位置为各类野生蔬菜的生长提供了良好的生存环境。为探明野生蔬菜在西天目山的分布情况,该研究采用路线调查法对该地区野生蔬菜的垂直分布特征进行了分析,并对其开发和利用前景进行了讨论。主要调查结果如下:(1)共发现野生蔬菜33种,隶属于20科32属。(2)在调查的5条路线中,海拔为300—450 m有野生蔬菜19种,优势种有一年蓬、苦苣菜和野茼蒿;400—450 m的2条路线中有野生蔬菜19种,野艾和菊芋为优势种;海拔750—900 m有野生蔬菜5种,一年蓬为优势种;900—1 100 m有野生蔬菜7种,蘘荷和车前草为优势种。(3)西天目山野生蔬菜种类和数量随海拔增高呈现明显下降趋势。上述结果表明,西天目山地区的野生蔬菜种类丰富,群落数量多,具有广阔的发展和利用空间。
Wild vegetables in the food, medicine and other aspects of the use of a more broad prospects for the distribution of wild vegetables to investigate the characteristics of better use of them. Zhejiang Lin’an West Tianmu Mountain superior geographical location for the growth of all kinds of wild vegetables provide a good living environment. In order to find out the distribution of wild vegetables in the West Tianshan Mountains, this study analyzed the vertical distribution characteristics of wild vegetables in this area by route survey and discussed their development and utilization prospects. The main findings are as follows: (1) A total of 33 species of wild vegetables were found, belonging to 32 genera in 20 families. (2) Among the five routes surveyed, there are 19 wild vegetables at 300-450 m above sea level, and the dominant species are year-old Pong, Sonchus chinensis and Artemisia annua. Among the two routes of 400-450 m, there are 19 species of wild vegetables Wild yea and Jerusalem artichoke are the dominant species. There are 5 wild vegetables at 750-900 m altitude, with one year as the dominant species; 900-1 100 m with 7 wild vegetables; (3) The species and quantity of wild vegetables in West Tianmu Mountain show a clear downward trend with elevation. The above results show that wild vegetables in the West Tianshan Mountain area are rich in species and large in number of communities, and have wide space for development and utilization.