以植物为材料进行艺术创作早已有之。上世纪60年代不断变幻的国际政治经济局势及随之而来的一波又一波社会运动、文化思潮冲击着艺术,也许“大地艺术”或“贫穷艺术”在诸多浪潮中并非最耀眼的那些,然而艺术家们通过植物及其他自然材料创作的作品,发掘非传统的甚至一度被认为无用的材料潜力,通过对材料的运用探索艺术的边界,并随后将其推进极致。1968年是一个特殊的年份。越南战争仍在继续并愈演愈烈。这一年伊始,Alexander Dubcek当选捷克斯洛伐克其产党总书记,开始了被称为“布
Plant-based art has long existed. The changing political and economic situation of the world in the 1960s and the ensuing wave of social movements have created a cultural ideological impact on the arts. Maybe the ”art of earth“ or the ”art of poverty“ are not among the many waves The brightest ones, however, are artists who, through works created from plants and other natural materials, explore the potential of unconventional materials that were once thought to be useless, explore the boundaries of art through the use of materials and then push it to the extreme. 1968 is a special year. The Vietnam war continues and intensifies. At the beginning of the year, Alexander Dubcek was elected General Secretary of the Party of Czechoslovakia, beginning what he called ”cloth