A Study of Consistency between Land Degradation Control Policy and Farmers’ Needs in Western Area, C

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The paper chose two counties (Qis) in Inner Mongolia as the research areas to study the policies of conversion of farmland to forest and grazing prohibition and indoor raising implemented in there, which are closely related to the interests of farmers and herdsmen. Based on the investigation and interview among farmer households, the paper analyzed the consistency between land degradation prevention and control policy and the needs of farmers and herdsmen, and finally presented the countermeasures and suggestions which are conducive to improving the effectiveness of land degradation prevention and control policy. The paper chose two counties (Qis) in Inner Mongolia as the research areas to study the policies of conversion of farmland to forest and grazing prohibition and indoor raising implemented in there, which are closely related to the interests of farmers and herdsmen. Based on the investigation and interview among farmer households, the paper analyzed the consistency between land degradation prevention and control policy and the needs of farmers and herdsmen, and finally presented the countermeasures and suggestions which are conducive to improving the effectiveness of land degradation prevention and control policy.
【摘要】 学生只有对物理感兴趣,才想学、爱学,充分发挥自己的积极性和主动性,从而学好并真正在生活中用好物理。因此,激发学生学习物理的兴趣,是提高教学质量的关键。在教学中要做到风趣的课堂艺术,多方面影响学生;教学内容与生活现实相结合;根据学生实际设计教学内容,鼓励学生增强学生的信心。  【关键词】 激发 物理学习 兴趣  【中图分类号】G421 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1006-596
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【摘要】 云南省于2009年9月起对高中实行新课程改革。新课程改革是全面推进素质教育的关键环节。新课程体系在课程功能、结构、内容、实施、评价、和管理等方面都较原来的课程有了重大的创新和突破。  【关键词】 岗前培训 校本课程 以人为本 理念 评价  【中图分类号】G423【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1006-5962(2012)05(a)-0146-01  在实施新课程以前,教师、学
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