三次落考的著名医学家李时珍,考举人失败后,下决心立志从医,走遍长江、黄河流域,经过二十七年的辛勤劳动,参考了八百多种医书,写成了一部药物学巨著《本草纲目》。 四次落考的清代文学家蒲松龄,十九岁时应童子试,成绩在县、府、道都名列前茅。后屡试不第,并没有使他一生潦倒,相反,他更是苦读寒窗,深入民间广采博搜,终于写出了巨著《聊斋志异》。
After three unsuccessful examinations, Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist who took the exams, decided to seek medical treatment and traveled the Yangtze River and the Yellow River basin. After 27 years of hard work, he consulted with more than 800 kinds of medical books and wrote a pharmacy Masterpiece “Compendium of Materia Medica.” Pu Songling, a Qing dynasty writer who went down for four exams, should have a boy test at the age of nineteen. His grades were among the best in the counties, prefectures and the Tao. After repeatedly tried not to, and did not make him go down in life, on the contrary, he is more study hard by the window, in-depth folk search, finally wrote a masterpiece Strange Stories.