连续两年从河南省主要玉米产区采集玉米茎腐病病害标本进行分离,对病原菌的种类和致病性进行鉴定与测定。结果表明,河南省玉米茎腐病的病原菌为禾谷镰孢(Fusarium graminearumSchwabe)、轮枝镰孢(F.verticillioides)和腐霉菌(Pythiumsp.),其中,禾谷镰孢的分离频率最高,平均分离频率为43.12%;轮枝镰孢次之,平均分离频率为23.13%;腐霉菌的分离频率较低,平均分离频率为6.25%。禾谷镰孢的致病性最强,腐霉菌次之,轮枝镰孢的致病性最弱。禾谷镰孢是河南省玉米茎腐病最主要的病原菌。
The maize stalk rot disease samples were collected from the main corn producing areas of Henan Province for two consecutive years, and the species and pathogenicity of the pathogenic bacteria were identified and determined. The results showed that Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, F. verticillioides and Pythium sp. Were the pathogenic pathogens of corn stalk rot in Henan Province, among which, Fusarium graminearum had the highest frequency of isolation, The separation frequency was 43.12%. Fusarium verticillata was the second, the average separation frequency was 23.13%. The isolation frequency of Pythium was lower with an average separation frequency of 6.25%. Fusarium graminearum strongest pathogenicity, Pythium second, Fusarium verticilli pathogenic weakest. Fusarium graminearum is the most important pathogen of corn stalk rot in Henan Province.