长期以来,铀酰矿物的发光特性就一直应用在矿物鉴定和找矿勘探上。仅在最近十几年来,大量研究常温(300°K)和低温(70°K)铀酰矿物和合成铀酰化合物的光谱特性后,才有可能在铀酰(UO_2~(2+))电子结构的基础上,对铀矿物的酰发光机理提出些合理的释解。 A.H.塔拉宪是当前苏联对矿物发光特性有代表性的研究者之一。他在研究了大量铀酰矿物发光光谱特性后(1978年),得出了这样的结论:仅仅晶格中具有足够数量低对称铀酰中心的那些矿物才具有辐射能力,并进一步推论:随着赤道面中铀配位体数
For a long time, the luminescent properties of uranyl minerals have been used in mineral identification and prospecting. Only in the last decade or so has it been possible to study the spectral properties of uranyl and normalized uranyl compounds at room temperature (300 ° K) and low temperature (70 ° K) in the presence of uranyl (UO 2 2+) Based on the structure, the mechanism of acyl luminescence of uranium minerals is put forward. A.H. Tara Hsien is one of the most current researchers in the Soviet Union that characterizes the luminescence of minerals. After studying a large number of luminescent spectra of uranyl minerals (1978), he came to the conclusion that only those minerals with a sufficient number of low-symmetry uranyl centers in the crystal lattice are radiative and further corollary: Equatorial uranium ligands number