发展民族经济 努力实现财政平衡

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凉山彝族自治州在党的民族政策光辉照耀下,在国家的帮助和扶持下,财政工作取得了显著成就。全州财政收入,1988年达到19818万元,比1950年增长148倍;比1978年增长2.68倍。财政自给率也由1978年的34.79%,上升到1988的62.23%。在17个县(市)中,有一个市上解,5个县基本自给。做到了十年改革,十年财政平衡,略有结余。坚持正确的理财思想,把发展生产力放在首位,讲求新形势下生财、聚财、用财之道,努力增加财政收入,是改善凉山财政状况,实现财政平衡的必由之路。财政的积累主要来自工业的发展。改革十年来,引进、筹集用于新建和改造企业的总投资达12.52亿元,其中财政投入2.91亿元,新增固定资产9.75亿元。1988年实行承包的地方预算内,国营工业企业的工业总产值、实现税利、企业留利、职工工资总额、净上交财 The Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture has made remarkable achievements in financial work with the help and support of the state under the brilliant shining of the party’s ethnic policy. Statewide fiscal revenue reached 198.18 million yuan in 1988, an increase of 148 times that of 1950; an increase of 2.68 times over 1978. Financial self-sufficiency rate also rose from 34.79% in 1978 to 62.23% in 1988. Among the 17 counties (cities), one has an urban solution and the other five counties are basically self-sufficient. Achieved a decade of reform, ten years of fiscal balance, a slight surplus. Adhering to the correct thinking on financial management and giving top priority to the development of productive forces, stressing that making money, accumulating wealth and using money in the new situation and making efforts to increase fiscal revenue is the only way to improve Liangshan’s financial status and achieve a fiscal balance. The accumulation of finance comes mainly from the development of industry. In the ten years of reform, the total investment for the introduction and reconstruction of new and renovated enterprises reached 1.252 billion yuan, of which 291 million yuan was financed and 975 million yuan was added to fixed assets. In the local budget for the implementation of the contract in 1988, the total industrial output value of state-owned industrial enterprises, the total profits of enterprises and enterprises, the total wages of employees,
永康拖拉机厂为生产 S195柴油机的重点企业,批量较大,在铸工输送带上进行流水作业,要求用同一CE 的铁水浇注不同壁厚的铸件。在采用75%硅铁作孕育剂的条件下,如取较小的 CE
一、前言 GH 826镍基变形高温合金以W、Mo强化奥氏体,以Ti,A1形或γˊ相来折出强化。与GH37合金相比,γˊ相体积分量从22%提高到30%左右,合金使用温度也从750℃提高到约800℃