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《反不正当竞争法》意义上的竞争关系是一种广义竞争关系,应以诚实信用原则来判断,这对认定网络平台上的不正当竞争具有很大的适用性。搜索引擎违反Robots协议抓取目标网站内容的行为受到《反不正当竞争法》一般条款的规制,本质属侵权行为。利用Robots协议排除特定爬虫访问是否构成歧视或拒绝交易的抗辩,在不正当竞争之诉中并不适用。互联互通体现的极致是链接层面,对未设置Robots协议网站可设链,但并不能豁免违反Robots协议的行为。技术本身虽然是中立的,但技术也可以成为进行不正当竞争的工具,技术中立的抗辩对于此类不正当竞争亦不适用。 The competitive relationship in the sense of “Unfair Competition Law” is a kind of broad competition and should be judged according to the principle of good faith. This is of great applicability to the identification of unfair competition on the network platform. Search engine violation of the Robots agreement to crawl the contents of the target site by the “Unfair Competition Law,” the general provisions of the regulation, in essence, infringement. The use of the Robots protocol to rule out whether a particular crawler visit constitutes a defense of discrimination or refusal to deal does not apply to unfair competition. The ultimate manifestation of interoperability is the link level. Robots can be linked to websites without the Robots protocol, but the violation of the Robots protocol can not be exempted. Although technology itself is neutral, technology can also be a tool for unfair competition. A technology-neutral defense also does not apply to such unfair competition.
[摘 要]延期纳税是企业税收筹划的重要目的之一,对企业的经营活动具有非常重要的意义。纳税人可以合理运用延期纳税权,选择所得税预缴方式、存货计价方法、包装物销售方式、结算方式、折旧方法等途径实现延期纳税。  [关键词] 延期纳税 税收筹划 税收条例    一、延期纳税对企业的意义    延期纳税是指纳税人在不违法的情况下将税款延期到以后时期缴纳,它对企业的经营活动具有非常重要的意  义。  1、实现
有一次,正在考试时,我的钢笔没墨水了。同桌也没多余的笔,坐在我前排的同学拿出一支钢笔,回头递给我。  监考老师以为他在偷看我的试卷,便在他的试卷上扣了一分。那同学没有解释,只微微一笑,便继续答题……  考试结束后,我来到办公室,对老师说:“老师,我前面的同学是把钢笔借给我,并没有偷看。”老师微笑着点了点头。  走在教室的走廊上,我感觉心里暖洋洋的。