目的模拟HIV性传播感染特点进行中国恒河猴阴道黏膜小剂量多次感染研究,为我国艾滋病疫苗有效性评价提供新的模型构建思路。方法选用20-30TCID50剂量的SHIVSF162p3病毒阴道黏膜途径感染六只成年雌性中国恒河猴,共感染13次,每次攻毒间隔4~7 d。采取测定血浆病毒载量和外周血CD4+∶CD8+。结果 6只中国恒河猴经13次病毒攻击后,经检测均建立系统性感染,血浆病毒载量呈阳性;CD4+∶CD8+均有下降。结论成功建立了中国恒河猴阴道黏膜小剂量多次感染模型,为艾滋病研究提供了新的更接近于自然感染状态的模型建立模式。
Objective To simulate the characteristics of sexually transmitted infections (HIV) infection in Chinese rhesus monkeys for low-dose multiple infections of vaginal mucosa and to provide a new model for the evaluation of the effectiveness of AIDS vaccine in China. Methods Six adult female Chinese rhesus monkeys were infected with the 20-30 TCID50 dose of SHIVSF162p3 virus in the vaginal mucosa. Thirteen infections were performed with an interval of 4-7 days. Taken to determine the plasma viral load and peripheral blood CD4 +: CD8 +. Results Six Chinese rhesus monkeys were challenged with 13 viruses. All of the 6 Chinese rhesus monkeys were tested for systemic infection and the plasma viral load was positive. CD4 +: CD8 + all decreased. Conclusion The low-dose multiple-infection multiple-infection model of vaginal mucosa in Chinese rhesus monkey has been successfully established, which provides a new mode of model establishment for AIDS research that is closer to natural infection.