我国的小学教学教育长期以来存在着重算术轻几何的状况。因此,了解新课程标准下实施下小学生几何概念的发展水平,对于科学合理地确定小学几何教学的目标,促进学生数学能力的发展是有意义的。研究通过图形辨认及图形分类两个实验,对一、三、五三个年级段小学生基本几何概念的发展水平进行了分析, 发现对于直角三角形、等腰梯形、正六边形等三种图形,各年级段的小学生在图形辨认水平上存在一定差异,在图形分类中也已经呈现出按不同的维度分类的情况。
Primary education in our country has a long history of counting arithmetic geometry. Therefore, knowing the development level of geometry concept for undergraduates under the new curriculum standard is significant for determining the goal of geometry teaching in primary school and promoting the development of students’ mathematical ability scientifically and reasonably. Through the two experiments of graphic recognition and graphic classification, this paper analyzes the development of basic geometric concepts of one, three, five or three grade pupils, and finds that for the three kinds of graphics such as right triangle, isosceles trapezoid and hexagon Grade pupils in the level of graphics recognition there are some differences in the graphic classification has also been presented according to different dimensions of the situation.