在非洲某些地区建立移动电话系统是艰难的。然而,近3000万非洲人现在已拥有一部手机,而4年前,非洲的手机总数仅200万部。目前使用移动电话的人已与使用固定电话的人一样多,在今后3年内,手机总数有望再翻一番。 移动电话在非洲较大、较富裕的国家迅速发展不是新事物:例如,2001年1月,尼日利亚从3个经营商那儿筹集到850O万美元。而且,这些大型市场仍在继续发展。南非第三大移动电话经营商Cell c声称,去年11月,在其开
Building mobile phone systems in some parts of Africa is tough. However, nearly 30 million Africans now own a cell phone, compared to just 2 million in Africa four years ago. The number of people currently using mobile phones is as much as that of landline phones, and the total number of mobile phones is expected to more than double in the next three years. The rapid growth of mobile phones in larger, richer countries in Africa is not new: for example, in January 2001, Nigeria raised $ 8.5 million from three operators. Moreover, these large markets are still continuing to grow. Cell c, South Africa’s third-largest mobile phone operator, claims it opened in November last year