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11月1日起,新版《出入境人员携带物检疫管理办法》开始实施。新办法规定,入境动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物等七类物品应当申报并接受检验检疫机构检疫。本办法规定,出入境人员携带下列物品,应当申报并接受检验检疫机构检疫:入境动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物;出入境生物物种资源、濒危野生动植物及其产品;出境的国家重点保护的野生动植物及其产品;出入境的微生物、人体组织、生物制品、血液及血液制品等特殊物品;出入境的尸体、骸骨等;来自疫区、被传染病污染或者可能传播传染病的出入境的行李和物品; From November 1, a new version of the “Measures for the Administration of Quarantine of Porters of Entry-Exit Personnel” will be implemented. The new approach stipulates that seven categories of articles, including animals and plants, animals and plants and other quarantine objects, should be declared and quarantined by the inspection and quarantine authorities. The Measures stipulate that entry-exit personnel carrying the following articles shall declare and be subject to quarantine inspection by the inspection and quarantine authorities: entry animals and plants, animal and plant products and other quarantine objects; resources of entry and exit biological species, endangered wildlife and their products; national priorities of exit Protection of wild animals and plants and their products; entry and exit of microorganisms, human tissues, biological products, blood and blood products and other special items; immigration bodies, bones, etc .; from the epidemic area, contaminated by infectious diseases or may spread infectious diseases Entry and exit of luggage and items;
在3月18日召开的新产品项目验收会上,上汽依维柯红岩(以下简称“上依红”)红岩杰狮系列和国Ⅲ系列汽车顺利通过了重庆市经济和信息化委员会的新产品项目验收。 At the accep
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原文作者(Margaret Kartomi)写作该文的目的是想通过自己的田野经历告知读者关于印尼苏门答腊岛属苏飞教派的daboih仪式及其音乐,并检验作者之前作为该文化局外人对daboih音