
来源 :半导体情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccx1942
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十多年前,国际上曾经出现过关于玻璃半导体的报导和争论的热潮。当时,持肯定态度者有之,持否定态度者有之,双方各执一词,要分辨孰是孰非,并非易事。然而不久,这种报导和争论就悄然无声了。于是人们普遍认为,由于材料性能的不稳定,研制玻璃半导体是很难有所建树的。不久前,苏联《半导体物理与技术》杂志发表了该刊编辑部撰写的文章,介绍了苏联著名半导体科学家科洛米耶茨,及在他领导下苏联玻璃半导体的发展。文章指出,玻璃半导体的发展前景仍然是广阔的。科洛米耶茨是苏联半导体物理和技术的有名专家,是苏联科学院约飞技术物理研究所老一辈的研究员、科学博士和教授。科洛米耶茨1934年毕业于列宁格勒乌里杨诺夫工学院,被分配在苏联科学院技术物理研 More than a decade ago, there was an upsurge of reports and debates about glass semiconductors in the international community. At that time, those who held a positive attitude had it, those who held a negative attitude had it, and both parties had stubborn words. It was not easy to distinguish between right and wrong. However, this kind of report and debate soon became silent. Therefore, people generally believe that due to the instability of the material properties, it is difficult to develop glass semiconductors. Not long ago, the Soviet magazine “Semiconductor Physics and Technology” published an article written by the editorial department of the journal, introducing the famous Soviet semiconductor scientist Kolomyets and the development of the Soviet glass semiconductor under his leadership. The article points out that the development prospects of glass semiconductors are still broad. Kolomiec is a famous expert in semiconductor physics and technology of the Soviet Union. He is an old-time researcher, doctor of science, and professor of the Institute of Technical Physics of the Soviet Union’s Academy of Sciences. Kolomietz graduated from the Leningrad-Ulyanov Institute of Technology in 1934 and is assigned to the Institute of Technical Physics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
功能值(F)是计算整个价值(V=F/C)的基础。计算功能值的关键是计算功能域或末端功能的功能值。 所谓功能域是指独立完成某种功能的一个系统,如功能系统模式图中点划线所包容
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贵州仁怀市是驰名中外的茅台酒故乡,也是红军四渡赤水浴血奋战过的地方。就是在这块有着光荣革命传统的 Renhuai City, Guizhou Province is famous hometown of Maotai, b
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