温室粉虱[Trialeurodes Vaporariorum(Westwood)]是我国近年来新发生的大害虫,能为害多种蔬菜,尤以温室的黄瓜、番茄等受害最重.这种害虫一旦发生则难于清除.我国过去很少有温室粉虱大发生的报道,近年来却不断发生.例如1976、1977两年在北京市连续大发生,从北京的近郊蔓延至远郊.1976年天津市仅一个公社发生,1977年大发生,目前天津市各郊区及所属各县已全部发生.过去我省从未发生过,1978年已在旅大市郊开始发生.
Green house whitefly [Trialeurodes Vaporariorum (Westwood)] is a new pest in China in recent years, can damage a variety of vegetables, especially in greenhouse cucumbers, tomatoes and other victims of the most difficult to clear the pests in the past. In rare cases of greenhouse whitefly occurred in recent years, but has continued to occur, for example, two consecutive years occurred in Beijing in 1976 and 1977, from Beijing to the outskirts of suburbs spread to the suburbs in 1976 only one commune in Tianjin occurred in 1977 At present, all suburbs and subordinate counties in Tianjin City have all taken place. In the past, our province had never happened before and it started to take place in the suburbs of Luda in 1978.