Aging Is Just Like the Water Ran Cold 原来变老的感觉就是,水越来越凉

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  lasked my grandpa what it felt like to grow old. He pondered this question while we sat in his office overbokng the yard, the same yard I pulbd weeds in when lw as a boy.
  Grandpa and I spent m any hours during my summ er vacations from elem entary schoolw oring in the yard. We started in the aftemoon when the sun was near its zenithh.
  My main job was weed patrol I carried around a plastic bucket and was tasked to eradicat any invader that grew in the yard. And while I was puirng weeds, Grandpa was perfo rming the gam orous work, excavating the rich Ca lifo mia soilfor a new
  addition to his ever expanding yard. He grew tom atoes on metalstakes. and plnted straw berries, lettuce and radishes in the ground. When they were ripe for picking. he'd bring them in side to Grandm a's kitchen so they could be prepared.
  Grandpa was an artist. The yard and ga rden were his canvases. the fbwers and plants were his palette of pa in ts. He was constantly bent over on alfours honing his art, the knees of his jeans sta ined brow n.
  At the end of the day, in the early evening, the air would become crisp and cooL Before calling it quits, Grandpa and l would wash up and get a drink of water at the hose on the side of the house. Grandpa would give the t-hand le on the spigot a tum or two. The limp hose would stiffen, and then he'd cup his hand undemeath the hose, the water pooling in his paIm. He'd lift his hand to his m outh and drink. quenching his thirst with each sup.
  Grandpa leamed this technique out of necessity whib grow ing up on a farm in Mam re Tow nshpip, Minnesota during the 1920s and 30s. There was a suction water pump outside the farm house, and he'd have to work the handle with one hand and place his free hand beneath the spout. A nd I found it strange he still em p byed this m ethod six ty yea rs later.
  I tried im itating him and drink ing from my hand. too. but I could never clench my fingers tight enough. The water would srp through my hand and drbble wastefuly to the ground.
  Grandpa took a ip of his black tea, still ponde ring my question on aging. And without ever takng his eyes from the window, grandpa then asked me a question. “H ave you ever been n a hot shower when the water ran cold?” told him lhad.
  “T hat's what aging feels like,” he said. “ln the beg inning of your life it's like you're taking a hot shower. At first the water is too warm, but you get used to the heat and begn enjoyng it. When you're young, you think it's going to be this way fo rever. Life goes on like this for a while.”   “But you begn to feel it som ew here betw een your forties and fifties. The water tem perature drops just the slightest bit. lt's almost im perceptbb, but you know it happened and you know what it means. You try to pretend like you didn't feel it. but you still tum the faucet up to stay warm . But the water keeps going lUkew arm. One day you rea lize the faucet can't go any further. and from here on out the tem perature beg ins to drop-you gradua lly feel the wamth leaving your body.”
  Grandpa Cba red his throat and pulled a stained handkerchief from his flannel shirt pocket. He lolew his nose, balled up the handkerchief and put it away. “lt's a rather he loless fee ling, truth told. The Water is still pleasant, but you know it’llsoon become cold and there's nothing you can do about it. I knew a few peopb in my time who decided to leave the show er on their own termS.They knew it Was never going to get warmer, so Why prolong the inev itable?l W as abb to stay in because l contented my self reca lling the show ers of my youth.I lived a good life, but stillw ish l hadn't taken my younger years for granted. But it's too late now, and no matter how hard l try, I’llnever get the hot water back onagain.”
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1. lguess some old wounds never heal huh?  2. lt's time to retum to a sim pler age. one where the pow ers of freedom can once again operate openly to protect their interests.  3. I've missed so much t