“在”雾都“一年之中也很难见到这样的晚霞,紫霞火烧云下的渝中半岛与江北嘴遥相辉映,止不住感叹:这座城市真的很美。”拍摄地点:南滨路相机:NIKON D600光圈:F8快门:0.4s焦距:15mm感光度:200
“In the ” fog are "It is also very difficult to see such a sunset during the year, the Zixia fire cloud Yuzhu Peninsula and Jiangbei mouth radiance, can not stop sigh: the city is really beautiful. Location: Nanbin Road Camera: NIKON D600 Aperture: F8 Shutter: 0.4s Focal length: 15mm Sensitivity: 200