文章对明代史馆的基本面貌、管理制度进行了考证和探讨 ,认为明代史馆是虚实相兼的修史机构 ,虽非恒开之馆也无固定的官员 ,但有特定的场馆和一定的管理制度 ;明代史馆的管理和变化为后世积累了丰富的经验和教训 ,在修史机构的发展史上起到了承前启后的作用。
The article carries on the research and the discussion to the basic structure and the management system of the Ming Dynasty History Museum. It holds that the Ming Dynasty History Museum is a history organization which is both true and false. Although it is not a permanent museum, there are no fixed officials, but there are certain venues and certain management systems. The management and changes of the historical museum in the Ming Dynasty have accumulated rich experience and lessons for the future and played a leading role in the history of the history-making institutions.