由于教学工作的需要,笔者向武汉地区部分高职院校发放了调查问卷,对14年高职院校的37名档案人员的学历、所学专业、职称、年龄、工作情况等做了调查。在回收的48份有效答案卷中,答卷者有副教授7人,讲师30人,助教11人,文科教师与理科教师比例为25:23,均为教学、科研骨干,经常查阅有关档案资料,对本单位档案人员的基本情况比较了解。 一、档案员的智力结构 1、学历状况 档案员的学历显示出接受正规教育的程度,是衡量档案员知识水平的标准之一,同时也隐含着一名档案员的工作、科研的潜在能力。 被调查的37名档案员,其中硕士学历为0;本科学
Due to the need of teaching work, the author has sent questionnaires to some vocational colleges in Wuhan, and investigated the academic qualifications, profession, professional title, age, and working conditions of 37 archivists in 14-year vocational colleges. Of the 48 valid responses collected, 7 were associate professors, 30 lecturers and 11 assistants. The proportion of liberal arts teachers and science teachers was 25:23, both teaching and scientific research cadres. They frequently referred to relevant archives and materials, The basic situation of the unit file staff more understanding. First, the archivist’s intelligence structure 1, education status Archivist’s education shows that the level of formal education, is to measure the standard of one of the archivists knowledge, but also implies the work of an archivist, the potential of scientific research . 37 archivists surveyed, of whom 0 master’s degree; undergraduate