纪检 监 察干 部肩 负 着反 腐 倡廉 的重 大责 任 ,任务艰巨 ,使 命光 荣,必须 做保 持 共产 党员 先 进性 的表 率 ,为加 强党 的 执政 能力 建 设提 供 坚强 的政 治保 证 。一、坚定 理想信念 ,陶冶道德 情操,做勤 奋学习的表率。学 习教育是我 们的终身 课题,也是立身做 ?
Discipline inspection and supervision cadres shoulder the great responsibility of fighting corruption and advocating ethical governance. They are arduous in their tasks and glorious in their mission. They must be exemplary of maintaining the advanced nature of the party members and provide a strong political guarantee for strengthening the party’s ability to govern. First, firm ideals and beliefs, cultivate moral sentiment, diligence and learning to do the model. Learning education is our lifelong task, but also stand on its own?