养蜂难 ,蜂产品销售难。去年在我国蜂蜜出口欧盟受阻、内销不旺的关键时刻 ,《蜜蜂挂图》及时出版发行了 ,它向人们介绍蜂产品 ,对促进内销 ,起了非常好的作用。现将我的体会介绍给广大蜂友。我是一位自产自销的养蜂生产者。今年 1月底 ,我汇款邮购《蜜蜂挂图》 ,春节过后刚上?
Beekeeping difficult, bee product sales difficult. Last year at the critical moment when China’s exports of honey to the EU were blocked and the domestic market was not prosperous, the bee wall chart was published and published in time. It introduced bee products to people and played a very good role in promoting domestic sales. Now my experience introduced to the majority of bee friends. I am a self-produced, bee-keeping producer. By the end of January this year, I remittance mail order “bee wall chart” just after the Spring Festival?