1998年 2月,在和平区教委初教科担任了 9年视导员的詹丽辉被派到四经一校主持全面工作。从到校第一天起,她便把这里当作是自己的家,以自己卓越的胆识,创新的意识,勤勉的作风和进取的精神,令学校在短短两年多时间里发生了惊人的变化,博得师生信赖,领导好评,社会赞誉…?
In February 1998, Zhan Lihui, who served as a nine-year TV presenter in the Primary Education Division of the Heping District Education Commission, was sent to the Si Ching School for overall work. Starting from the first day of school, she regarded it as her home. With her outstanding courage, innovative awareness, diligent style and enterprising spirit, she surprises the school in just over two years The change, won the trust of teachers and students, leading praise, social praise ...?