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从1937年3月中旬西路军失败至今,已过去了75年。涉及西路军的论述和研究可分为两个大的阶段:第一阶段1937年3月至1979年,共42年;第二阶段1979年至2012年,共33年。第一阶段,张国焘路线论占统治地位,但共产国际和陈昌浩当初对此是有不同意见的,有的资料和观点有重要研究价值。第二阶段,随着新资料的发掘和实事求是的探讨,西路军研究有突破性实质性的进展,具体内容可分为11个方面:1.对西路军形成的研究;2.西路军的苏维埃政权建设研究;3.西路军的民族统战工作研究;4.西路军左支队进驻新疆及返抵延安研究;5.对西路军失败原因的研究;6.西路军的功绩、历史地位和意义研究;7.对西路军的营救研究;8.西路军与长征的关系研究;9.西路军战俘及流落将士的研究;10.西路军与共产国际之关系研究;11.权威著作对与西路军相关内容的修订。对其加以述评,有重要积极意义。 It has been 75 years since the West Army failed in mid-March 1937. The discussion and research concerning the West Route Army can be divided into two major stages: the first stage from March 1937 to 1979, a total of 42 years; the second stage 1979 to 2012, a total of 33 years. In the first stage, Zhang Guotao’s line theory dominates, but Comintern and Chen Changhao originally had different views on it. Some of the materials and opinions have important research value. In the second stage, with the exploration of new information and the discussion of seeking truth from facts, the study of the West Route Army made breakthrough substantive progress. The specific content can be divided into 11 aspects: 1. The research on the formation of the West Route Army; Research on the establishment of the Soviet military regime of the army; 3. research on the national united front work of the Western Route Army; 4. research on the left detachment of the Western Route Army stationed in Xinjiang and its return to Yan’an; 5. study on the causes of the failure of the Western Route Army; Achievement, historical position and significance of the study; 7. Rescue study of the West Route Army; 8. Study on the relationship between the West Route Army and the Long March; 9. Study on the prisoners of war and the fallen soldiers of the West Route Army; Relational research; 11 authoritative writings on the West Route Corrections. Commenting on it has important and positive significance.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
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患者 女性,28岁。因“停经21”周,腹痛1^+d,发现胎死宫内1d”于2008—1210入本院治疗。病史采集:G7P0,月经规则,否认子宫穿孔史。LMP为2008—7—10,EDD为2009—4—17。停经2^+个月时,曾
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