锦带花以扦插繁殖为主,极易成活,任何部位的枝条只要芽体饱满,无病虫害,都是扦插的好材料。春、夏、冬三季均能扦插,但各季的方法不同。春季扦插,也叫硬枝扦插。时间为2月底到3月上旬。剪取母株上的一年生成熟枝条,要求叶芽饱满,无病虫害,直径0.4厘米以上,将枝条剪成10~12厘米长,剪时顶芽上端留1.2厘米,下端离芽留0.5厘米,插穗每段要留3~4芽,但要看芽的间距长短而定,芽距长的留2~3芽,芽距短的留3~5芽。有条件的话,用生根粉处理,可以提高成活率。浓度为1000/L 的稀释液。把剪成段的枝条捆成小捆浸在生根液中30~35分钟,待晾干后,插在苗床中。
Mainly with cuttage breeding, extremely easy to survive, as long as any part of the shoot bud full, no pests and diseases, are cutting a good material. Spring, summer and winter can cut the three quarters, but the method of different quarters. Spring cuttings, also known as hardwood cutting. The time from the end of February to early March. Cut the annual mature branches on the mother plant, requiring leaf buds full, no pests, more than 0.4 cm in diameter, the branches cut into 10 to 12 cm long, top cut when leaving 1.2 cm, 0.5 cm from the bud left, cuttings per Segment to stay 3 to 4 buds, but to see the length of the buds of the buds may be bud length of stay 2 to 3 buds leave a short stay 3 to 5 buds. If conditions permit, use rooting powder treatment, can improve the survival rate. Concentration of 1000 / L dilution. The cut into sections of the bundle bundles dipped in rooting liquid immersion 30 to 35 minutes, to be dried, inserted in the seedbed.