Using ERP technology to classify the process of induction under the conditions presented in the experiment. Using the geometrical figures as the material, 18 subjects completed the category induction task under the condition of not informing single dimension, single dimension attribute, and double dimension attribute without informing. Through the analysis of related ERP components, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) In the case of inductive materials, the processing of stimuli is based on the existing background to selectively process the stimuli presented later to form categories; (2) Adults and children may have different ways of cognitive processing in category induction. When the complexity of category induction is increased, that is, when the attributes to be summarized are changed from one to two, adults still tend to pass induction The classification rules are used to classify the tasks rather than judging by the similarity. (3) The P400 in the class induction task under the condition of material presentation at a later time may be the ERP component of the induction process of sign class, Specific process has nothing to do.