Acute Inhalation Toxicity Study of 2-Fluoroaceta mide in Rats

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ji5261
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One of the most potent rodenticides is 2_fluoroacetamide (2_FA). Toxicity of this chemical is well documented. However, its inhalation toxicity data is not available in the literature. Hence, {acute} inhalation toxicity study was carried out by exposing male and female rats to aerosols of 2_FA at different concentrations for 4 h in a dynamically operated whole body inhalation exposure chamber. During and after the inhalation exposure the rats were less active, and showed mild tremors and convulsions. At higher concentrations the rats died after 2_3 days. The estimated 4_h LC 50 for male and female rats was 136.6 and 144.5 mg·m -3 respectively. Exposure to 0.7 LC 50 for 4 h duration showed an increase in the liver weight of male and female rats 7 days after exposure. Various haematological and biochemical variables determined were within the normal limits. However, histological findings showed injured lung as indicated by desquamation and necrosis of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. Marked hypertrophy of hepatocytes displaying strong acidophilic granulated cytoplasm was observed. Focal dilatation of renal proximal tubules in kidney with cytoplasmic vacuolation, and irregularly placed pyknotic nuclei were seen. The present study shows that 2_FA is a highly toxic chemical through the inhalation route based on the LC 50 value. Consequently necessary precautions should be taken during its handling. One of the most potent rodenticides is 2_fluoroacetamide (2_FA). Toxicity of this chemical is well documented. However, its inhalation toxicity data is not available in the literature. Hence, {acute } inhalation toxicity study was carried out by exposinging male and female rats to aerosols of 2_FA at different concentrations for 4 h in a dynamically operated whole body inhalation exposure chamber. During and after the inhalation exposure the rats were less active, and showed mild tremors and convulsions. At higher concentrations the rats died after 2_3 days. The estimated 4_h LC 50 for male and female rats were 136.6 and 144.5 mg · m -3 exposure. Exposure to 0.7 LC 50 for 4 h duration showed an increase in the liver weight of male and female rats after 7 days after exposure. Various, haematological and biochemical variables determined were within the normal limits. However, histological findings showed injured lung as indicated by desquamation and necrosis of the epithelium o Focal dilatation of renal proximal tubules in kidney with cytoplasmic vacuolation, and irregularly placed pyknotic nuclei were seen. The present study shows that 2_FA is a highly toxic chemical through the inhalation route based on the LC 50 value.
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