意大利214为欧美杨的一个栽培型,学名P.xeuramericana(Dode)Guizier cv.‘Ⅰ-214’,字母I为外文Italica(意大利)的第一个字母,有人误写为J-214。天然杂交种,雌性,估计是北美黑杨(P.deltoides)的变种P.deltoides ssp.angulata或P.deltoides ssp.monilifera和欧洲黑杨的杂交种。1949年意大利杨树研究所比卡罗洛教授由野生苗选出。它适应各种条件,生长非常迅速,据报导7年生每公顷平均生长量43立方
Italy 214 is a cultivar of European and American poplars, the scientific name P. xeuramericana (Dode) Guizier cv. ’I-214’, the letter I is the first letter of the foreign language Italica (Italy), somebody mistakenly wrote J-214. Natural hybrids, females, are estimated to be hybrids of the P.deltoides ssp. Angulata or P.deltoides ssp.monilifera species in P.deltoides and Populus nigra. In 1949, Professor Bikarolo of the Poplar Institute of Italy was selected from wild seedlings. It adapts to all conditions and grows very rapidly with an average of 43 cubic cm