目的介绍一种关节镜下儿童移位胫骨嵴撕脱骨折复位钢丝固定技术。方法根据Meyers and McKeever分型,12例儿童患者中Ⅱ型骨折4例,Ⅲ型骨折8例。在关节镜下骨折复位,用钢丝缝合固定。结果术后随访32个月(22~49个月),临床检查全部患者无伸直受限,Lachmann征轻度阳性2例,前抽屉试验阳性1例。X线检查全部骨折均骨性愈合,骨折无移位、无畸形愈合。结论该手术方法操作较简单,可重复性强,可达到胫骨嵴骨折的复位、固定和愈合。
Objective To introduce a technique of arthroscopic reduction of tibiofibular fractures and reduction of wire fixation in children. Methods According to the classification of Meyers and McKeever, there were 4 type Ⅱ fractures and 8 type Ⅲ fractures in 12 children. Arthroscopic fracture reduction, sutured with wire. Results The patients were followed up for 32 months (22 to 49 months). All the patients in the clinical examination had no limitation of straightness. Lachmann’s sign was mildly positive in 2 cases and front drawer was positive in 1 case. X-ray examination of all fractures were bony union, fracture no shift, no malunion. Conclusion The operation method is simpler and more reproducible, and can achieve the reduction, fixation and healing of tibial eminence fractures.